Embark on a magical and fantastical journey where all are welcome aboard.

“Many children and youth outside of America and the United Kingdom express a desire to see themselves represented as main characters in popular books, TV shows, and movies. Despite being the biggest market for these forms of entertainment, they are often left out of the narrative. Hollywood studios, which have shareholders from around the world, profit greatly from other countries’ nationals but refuse to include their children and youth in their productions. Similarly, most books are published by companies whose parent companies are based in Germany and France, yet their main characters are predominantly American and British. As someone who experienced this exclusion firsthand, I made sure to include children and youth from every country in my Magus/Magic books. By doing so, I hope to improve human rights in action and ensure that no child in the future feels left out when enjoying popular media. The Magus/Magic books offer an entertaining escape into a fantasy world where every child and youth can identify with a main character and be thoroughly entertained.
Embark on a magical and fantastical journey where all are welcome aboard. MAGUS/MAGIC: THE WORLD’S MOST DIVERSE STORY”
Pallavi McHugh
Pallavi McHugh is a trailblazer who exposed institutionalized racism, sexism, and cover-ups at the United Nations. Her work garnered bipartisan support from the public and United States senators, even during a politically divisive climate. McHugh’s efforts influenced the United States’ foreign policy towards the United Nations and Australia’s decision to initiate an investigation into China’s and the United Nations’ role in COVID-19. She’s a trained environmental scientist, international environmental lawyer, geographer, and international relations expert. Her interviews have been broadcasted in over 150 countries. In addition, McHugh is the creator of Magus/Magic, the world’s most diverse story for youth, and RACIAL COLORBLIND™ a course based on her ground-breaking research on where racism comes from in human beings to overcome it. She has also authored memoirs about her eight dogs and life in different countries. McHugh currently resides in Australia with her dogs and her New Zealander Australian spouse.
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